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Acupuncture Pricing
We appreciate your patience as we prepare to make booking available online! Please call or text!
New Patient Visit (90 Minutes) $130
Return Patient Visit (60 Minutes) $105
Return Patient Visit (90 Minutes) $125
Mayan Abdominal Massage & Acupuncture (90 Minutes) $150
Mayan Abdominal Massage (60-75 Minutes) $125
Facial Acupuncture (90 Minutes) $150 (10 Sessions Highly Recommended)
Celluma LED Add On (Available during all 90 Minute Sessions) $25
Facial Gua Sha Add on (Available during all 90 Minute Sessions) $35
Chinese Massage Add on (Available during all 90 Minute Sessions) $60
*Electrical Stimulation, Cupping & Non-Facial Gua Sha included as needed.
Did you know you can use HSA benefits for Acupuncture? Otherwise, you may be able to submit your bill to be either partially or fully reimbursed by your plan. Superbills are provided upon request.
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